Class facilitator: Kyle Cremeens

Kyle will be welcoming newcomers to SVCC by covering our doctrine, and introducing our ministries, groups and various class options to get our new attenders plugged in!

Adult Bible Study

Class Facilitator: Ryan Miner

Ryan will taking his class for a deep dive, further into the book of Romans! This class will take place in the Gym of the Multi-Purpose building, just behind our main building, and is open to all adults age 18 to 50.

Adult Bible Study 2

Class Facilitator: Gary Desanto

Gary teaches various, deep, Biblical topics. This class takes place in the sanctuary and is for adults, age 40 to 70.

Senior Saints Sunday School

Class Facilitator: Dick Stroud

This class is intended for our seniors, and is led with immense wisdom and love for our Heavenly Father. This class takes place in our main building, in the left hallway, past the kitchen and men’s bathroom. This class is for ages 70 and up.

Youth Study

Class Facilitator: Jason Piper

Jason will be covering various books of the New Testament. This class will take place in our Youth Building and is open to youth, 7th through 12th grade.

Children’s Sunday School:

We also have several Sunday School classes for children from birth through sixth grade!